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Results From Our Spring 2024 Survey

By May 29, 2024August 30th, 2024No Comments

What we learned, and what’s next

Scientific research can be confusing and overwhelming, and that’s why The Happy Lungs Project is here: To help you understand RET-positive cancer research and its impact on treatments and therapies.

Our recent survey showed us what respondents want to know about RET-positive research, with questions like:

  • “Are you researching how to keep one’s body strong while going through cancer treatments?”
  • “Can you explain why this type of cancer is often caught so late and progresses so fast?”
  • “What are new second generation treatments?”
  • “Is there anything coming down the pike for RET positive patients?”

We’re taking those questions to members of the scientific community, and we aim to bring you the answers. 

It turns out that 62% of those that took the survey were patients and 24% were caregivers and/or family members.

patient and caregiver RET survey results

When asked what you want to know about RET-positive research, 86% want to know about the latest scientific research, 66% want to know about available treatment options and 58% want to know about qualifying for a clinical trial.

RET cancer research survey results

We hear you! We are hard at work gathering the answers and will be back in touch shortly. Thanks so much for taking the survey.

Read current RET news and information